Sunday, January 16, 2011

Post Orientation Reflections 2011

1. What were 3 of the highlights of the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
2. What were 3 of the "low" moments of Orientation and the last 2 weeks
3. What are 3 of my greatest takeways/lessons from the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
4. What did you learn about yourself in the last 2 weeks?
5. What are you looking forward in 2011?
Ans.1. It was when I was on the high elements, campfire and during the badge ceremony when i finally became part of sst's family.
Ans.2.Doing the chores, sleeping on the hall's hard floor and queuing up for  shower.
Ans.3. I learned to overcome my fear of height and i also gained confidence while doing the high elements.
Ans4. I learned that I can act in performance if i do not think of people staring at me.
Ans.5. I look forward to gaining more knowledge

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Communication - Homework

1. Why is communication important?
2. What is/are your favourite forms of communication? Why?
3. How do you decide which form of communication to use in a situation?
4. What difficulties do you face in communicating with others?
Ans.1. It is important so that people can understand your needs or what you wish to express to others.
Ans.2. I like talking. It is very easy to convey messages that way
Ans.3. I will use it for people that have special needs
Ans.4. I cannot speak confidently in front of a crowd.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Day 2: End-of-Day Reflection (S1-02)

  1. What have you done today?
  2. How have your grown from today's activities?
  3. How should you behave when doing groupwork?
  4. Why are there differences of opinions?
  5. Why are you happy to be a member of your class?
Ans.1.Today we had an inter class tower building competition. We were given 50 straws, 4 cups, 4 pipe cleaners and 6 rubber bands. We also learnt how to use keynote.

Ans.2.I now know how to work as a group and get work done.

Ans.3.We should work together and listen to everyone's ideas and not pass any negative remark even though you have a better idea.

Ans.4.Different people have different ideas and sometimes when people suggest their idea, others will think theirs is better.

Ans.5.I'm happy to be in my class and contribute to its competitions.

Day 2 Mac Attack 2

Day 1 Mac Attack 1 - Activity 4: End-of-Day Reflection

  1. 1. What have you done today?
    1. What have you learnt today?
    2. Why did you choose to come to SST?
    3. What are your aspirations as a member of the SST family
ans.1. played the skittle game  when we picked skittles and for every skittle i took i had to say 1 thing about myself, the blow-wind-blow game and the Ouch game.

ans.2. I learnt that being greedy can have consequences and i also learnt that playing games helps us bond with each other.

ans.3. I chose to come to SST because I enjoy learning science and I am interested in technology. SST's special method of teaching with a mac book also interests me.

ans.4. I hope to do well in my CCA and win competitions to make SST proud.