1. What were 3 of the highlights of the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
2. What were 3 of the "low" moments of Orientation and the last 2 weeks
3. What are 3 of my greatest takeways/lessons from the Orientation and the last 2 weeks?
4. What did you learn about yourself in the last 2 weeks?
5. What are you looking forward in 2011?
Ans.1. It was when I was on the high elements, campfire and during the badge ceremony when i finally became part of sst's family.
Ans.2.Doing the chores, sleeping on the hall's hard floor and queuing up for shower.
Ans.3. I learned to overcome my fear of height and i also gained confidence while doing the high elements.
Ans4. I learned that I can act in performance if i do not think of people staring at me.
Ans.5. I look forward to gaining more knowledge